Wednesday, August 1, 2018

How to be responsible netizen?

How to be responsible netizen?                               To become a reponsible netizen you must be engaged with your country specially being careful using social media like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, because the most influential stranger now a days is the social media itself.

                             To prevent it i think we must think before we share something in any sites. About how to be responsible netizen. First we should know what and who is netizen. A netizen is anyone and when I say anyone it means everyone could be a netizen.A netizen is someone who uses the internet for any reason.You are already a netizen by reading this blog. Last note about netizens, They are anyone who uses something online like Facebook ect.. in the internet including email. Now being a responsible digital citizen means you respect everyone using the internet.           
It is time to go deeper into one of the NIOS campaign bullying topic, Cyberbullying. To cyberbullying someone does not only mean creating i hate you pages on facebook but also making a comment that might hurt others feelings. Cyberbullying happens to a lot of people so don t feel bad if you are one of them.

Source: Google

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